Introducing our New Buddhism for Beginners Series

What do we mean when we talk about karma? How do we get from “monkey mind” to mental clarity? And how long does it really take to achieve enlightenment? Although Shambhala evolved from Tibetan Buddhism, we tend to avoid traditional Buddhist terminology in the interest of staying secular, modern, and accessible to folks of all faiths. However, many ancient images and ideas are just as practical and relevant today as they were 2,500 years ago. We’re launching a new series of one-day workshops to explore some of these ideas and how we can apply them to our 21st century lives. They’ll be scheduled for Saturday afternoons, probably once a month, with no prerequisites.

The first two, Taming Your Inner Elephant: Four Things You Won’t Want to Forget, November 19th, and Karma: What It Is and What It Isn’t, December 10th, are now open for registration on our website,

Please sign up today!

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