Half-Price Shambhala Courses!
Many of us finish Shambhala programs inspired and eager to sign up for the next in the series. Few of us consider re-experiencing courses we’ve already taken. Yet each offering of each program is unique, presenting a particular teacher’s expression of the Shambhala teachings conditioned by the collective personalities and life experiences of the participants.
While these teachings are ancient, they’re always fresh, especially when we hear them from new teachers, at different stages in our lives, or after deepening our personal meditation practices. For this reason, if you’ve ever participated in a Shambhala weekend retreat or completed an Everyday Life or Basic Goodness course, you’re invited to retake that same program for half the regular price.
For instance, you may have completed Meditation in Everyday Life, but find that your practice has slipped over the years (or months or weeks). Re-enrolling in the same program — for half price — may be the boost you need to get back on track. Or you may wish to revisit your favorite Level on the Shambhala path, or even the one you found most challenging.
Whatever your motivation, repeating a Shambhala program offers an opportunity to meet new people, enrich your understanding of the teachings, and reconnect with the community.
Check our calendar or the Classes & Retreats tab for upcoming programs.